Primary 3 Blog

P3 News and Home Learning w/b 10th June

This week is Health Week in school and we will be taking our learning outside. We have visits to the Crags Centre for a Basketball Session and a visit to Canongate Youth for a taster session. We will be out side in the playground trying Boccia and lots of outdoor learning. On Friday we have Sports Day and we will practicing our skills this week in preparation. We are in for a fun week and we will be looking at Healthy options in our lifestyle, exercise and eating.

Last week we had a visit from our farmer and he answered lots of questions about being a farmer and life on a farm. The class had lots of really interesting questions about all sorts of different farming and Alastair was very impressed with the level of knowledge and questions he was being asked.

Home Learning this week will be issued on Monday and should be returned on Friday. In the Home Learning bags will be a Spelling Challenge sheet, Maths Challenge sheet and a book to read for pleasure.

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